Portfolio Management Services (PMS)

Portfolio Management services offers an investment portfolio of stocks, fixed income, debt and other listed securities managed by a professional Portfolio Manager.

In PMS, you own individual securities through your D-Mat Account.

PMS Investors may choose from a fixed fee Model or a Performance Linked Fee Model, based on the strategy chosen.

Type of PMS

  • Discretionary – Under these services, the choice as well as the timing of the investment decisions rests solely with the portfolio manager.
  • Non – discretionary – The choice as well as timing of the investment decision rest solely with the investor. However the execution of the trade is done by the portfolio manager under these services, the portfolio manager may suggest the investment ideas.
  • Advisory – Under these services, the portfolio manager only suggests the investment ideas. The choice as well as the execution of the investment decisions rests solely with the investor.

Benefits of Portfolio Management Services:

  • A portfolio comprising of select ideas
  • Innovative and sophisticated strategies
  • Transparency in management of portfolio
  • Ability to take f
  • Focussed investment calls both in stocks and sectors.

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